Tuesday, May 12, 2009

AgileRoots Conference

I will be attending the AgileRoots conference in Salt Lake City on Monday June 15 and Tuesday June 16. This is a VERY reasonably priced conference and I'm looking forward to it.


After the conference I will be staying in SLC for the week, talking to ScrumMasters in the area and hopefully finding out more about highly performant team "practitioning" as well as building connections that will help me build bridges between the SLC and Boise markets. If you are a ScrumMaster, Product Owner, Agile Practioner, Trainer, Coach, or Consultant and have contacts in SLC that would enjoy discussing the possibilities of bridging the Agile gap (between companies, cities, and individuals) please let me know! <><

1 comment:

  1. I'll be at Agile Roots. Coming in Sunday at 2pm and leaving Wed at ~9:20AM. So I'll have time Sun and Tue evening to meet and talk outside the Conference time. I'm on Twitter as "softqual".
